Saturday 12 October 2013

Question 5 (Part 2): Possible further investigations

Question 5: Part 2 

Considering the evidences available up to this point in time, describe in detail how you would go about investigating further, assuming you are Dr. Rudi or Dr. Suria, explaining what you anticipate at each step.

After obtaining and interpreting the evidences found in the crime scene, the time has come to proceed to one of the crucial phase of the investigation, which is creating a profile for the victims by Facial ReconstructionMany software and programs are used by Forensic Teams to put together a 'face', to help match and narrow down possibilities of victims and suspects of the case. Not only that, facial reconstruction can be done by comparison of ante and post mortem data, use of previous radio graphs and clinical photographs if any. Every person's face is unique and even identical twins have small minute distinct features to help tell them apart. 

The picture below, shows the before and after a facial reconstruction surgery! 

In the Facial Reconstruction process, several details come into play, such as 
  1. age factor 
  2. facial tissue depth measurement
  3. hard and soft tissues of face, 
  4. distinct characteristics eg: birth mark, mole and etc

The video below, tells us more about facial construction and how the process works using latest technology! 

After the victim's profile has been made, we can try to match the reconstructed face of the victim with the database and records of missing people. Other than the facial similarities, we also have to take into account of the estimated age group of the victim and the time frame at which the victim went missing, before actually ruling out any possibilities. After making a shortlist of possible victims, we could perhaps approach the suspected victim's families and relatives to get further details for reconfirmation and even detailed report for the investigation. Apart from that, we could get some DNA materials (hair, body fluids, etc) from the suspected victim's biological parents, in order to proceed to the next step, DNA Profiling via POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION method. 

The picture below shows a simple diagram on how the mechanism of the PCR works!

The 2 picture below shows how DNA Profiling looks like with bands shown on the film.

Apart from that, from discoveries found in the evidence (presence of caries on the lower first permanent molar, as well as fissure sealant on the third molar), we are able to compare the findings with ante mortom records of dentists the suspected victim might have visited. Dental records provided by the dentist might contain information of the victim's history - physical examination, diagnosis, treatment, and the management of the victim, past medical history, family history and social history.


  1. Facial reconstruction can be done by comparison of ante and post mortem data, use of previous radiographs and clinical photographs if any.

    1. Thank you for the extra tip Dr. Vimi, very much appreciated!
